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    Yeesh. Not too much better. I think the “whimsy-ness” of the site is tacky. Wouldn’t it be considered false advertising to call yourself “Award Winning Photography” if you haven’t won any awards?


    Yeah, that is some of the worst wedding photography I’ve seen. Not to mention their website is so 90s! I can’t believe they even messaged you! You should tell them back, “It’s false advertising to name your business ‘Award-Winning Photography’ when your photography probably hasn’t won any legitimate awards.”


    First off, the website is terrible. There is nothing appealing about how it is set up and instead of looking a “professional photographer website,” it looks more like a 5th graders myspace page. Tacky, terrible, tasteless. 0/10 people find it attractive.

    Moving on, the photographs are boring, out of focus, and dull. Those backgrounds make it look like they found a fixin-up house and took senior photos in. I would be embarrassed to show my friends and family those photographs.

    I think the worst part is that it’s two people. I mean, one fauxtographer is bad. Two? Yikes! Run for the hills! You would think that there would be at least one photograph that contained some hint of potential. NOPE.


    Really? -> http://www.awardwinningphotography.com/Wedding%20Photos%20183.jpg

    Holy crap. I literally said “Oh, man…” out loud when that came up.


    They responded thanking us for our time and response, and that they understand now.

    So, it’s not often that someone gets schooled and actually learns. That’s actually impressive. Good for them.



    nope… saw that and said what the actual fuck. why would you even put that on your site?!

    also i was afraid to enlarge many of the wedding photos, but what’s with the weird  circular vignette-thing?


    It almost looks like they were shooting film for some of the shots, agfa 200 cheapo film in fact.


    I like the one in family photo where it looks like he is humping her from behind

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