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Tagged: fauxtog?
- This topic has 3,097 replies, 358 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 7 months ago by
October 30, 2013 at 8:32 am #14757
ParticipantFauxtographers come in all shapes, sizes, ages and colors. While I was catching up on YANAP this morning a FB friend liked a photographer, and the name really grabbed my attention, so I HAD to check it out.
“God’s Gifted Photography & Productions”
What a name! I strapped in and knew that this was going to be a good one and was not disappointed. This guy has it all. He covers both photography AND videography. So let’s get to the shots!
His model looks like a streetwalker or homeless crazy person. Her pose says to me “I’m just walking down the street and some guy in a car drove by and took my photo” not “I have been positioned in this crosswalk for a very specific shot by a photographer”. And I’m sorry, I normally try not to judge the models and how they look, but what the hell is she wearing? The whole wardrobe is horrible, but she does not need to be showing off her midriff!
Blessed Beyond Meausre? Nice spelling there.
Random shots anybody could take with their cameraphone or P&S.
White balance issues, soft shot, and horrible vignette.
Glad nobody wanted to see the family behind the watermark! Yet he still took the time to put their name at the bottom of the shot (I guess because you can’t see their faces through the watermark)
Has time to put vignettes, watermarks, and edge treatments, but doesn’t bother to remove the weird scar on the girls arm?
The fauxtographer himself in front of the camera.
Seriously weird color removal. Looks like he tried to remove the green and blue channels, so red traces are all over the photo still. The door in the back, her lips, the wood, her dress, etc. And then he vignettes the shot so dark that his prom dates face disappears!
A little creative editing on a rainbow.
That one is from his personal page, but it shows that he continues to ignore grammar and spelling when he’s editing these photos.
This is his FB cover photo. Pretty nice, right? I thought it looked familiar so I did a Tineye search on it (great Firefox Plugin for photo searching) and got over a dozen hits. This photo is on the Wikipedia page for Charlotte. He jacked the photo from that and just superimposed Uptown Charlotte at the bottom. Classy thief is classy and definitely doesn’t need to give credit to the actual photographer!
Another favorite, a “video” of July 4th fireworks. Except it’s just a cheesy slideshow of his photos with some music tracks over it. I’m definitely sold on his video abilities as well.
This guy is pretty young and has lots of time to improve, but until then I think I would have stuck to just posting these on your personal FB page until you got to a level where you would want to put your “business” name on them.
October 30, 2013 at 3:43 pm #14761deano
ParticipantOctober 30, 2013 at 7:25 pm #14770adent
ParticipantOne of my favorite local ones. He tries to do spot coloring and never gets it right.
In this one he screws up the spot coloring so bad that one eye is in black and white while the rest of her face is in color. Also several spots in her hair are black and white. He is also a really big fan of vignettes.
November 1, 2013 at 12:23 am #14796Tiradia
ParticipantI guess I should redeem myself! @BEG, I didn’t mean she was a fauxtog! Her work is actually really nice compared to a lot of others! But I will redeem myself! Here https://www.facebook.com/pages/Terri-Keller-Photography/105984739438051 HOLY VIGNETTES BATMAN! ON EVERY PHOTO! Ebi would have a field day… Sorry Ebi, anytime I see your name I want to eat shrimp 🙁
November 2, 2013 at 5:07 pm #14832KatarinaLOL
ParticipantThese seriously look like they were taken with a really old camera phone. lol
November 3, 2013 at 9:47 pm #14852November 4, 2013 at 4:38 am #14853iliketag
ParticipantI seriously don’t get how people can pass some of this shit off as photography. It’s fine to call them “pictures” and post them to facebook for all your friends and family to see into your day to day or the events you attend with friends and family… but holy crumpets. Seriously. I can’t think of a word for it other than shit.
The one Fauxfighters posted had me gritting my teeth. I was young and stupid with my camera once… but I never passed my stuff off as pro. I did do a friend’s senior portraits, but his parents paid me only after they decided they loved the shots. I spent hours editing and removing/softening his acne and cloning instead of blurring to make it look natural. Good ‘ol PS7 served me well in those years… but I never slapped a watermark with my name on anything! I shared to facebook photos I took for fun in my own, personal albums. I went on “photo dates” with friends where I would get lunch or coffee and scamper around town practicing with girlfriends as my models…
How can anyone with a shred of dignity try and SELL this GARBAGE? Ughhhh. Maybe it’s because it’s late but it’s REALLY bothering me right now… ok ok. Deep breaths. /rant
November 4, 2013 at 5:02 am #14854iliketag
ParticipantI have two I’ve been meaning to share.
Though they may not be front page worthy in terms of their work, their attitudes tell me they are flying high and racking up miles in fauxtog land. I couldn’t think of a more appropriate place to share them so, please, forgive the sort-of-off-topic-ness.
Let me start with the first story:
Have you ever been driving down the road, excited to get home from a long day at work then BOOM! Someone is practically running you off the road while cutting you off and driving like a bat out of hell? Even better, that person has their business name plastered ALL OVER their vehicle? Now, I’m critical of anyone who behaves that way. However, driving like a lunatic while representing your business is just pure stupidity.
Of course, I look them up.
http://www.exlotus.com/This “company” randomly switches from first person to third person in their descriptions, has a terrible grasp on the English language and adores ellipses. Plus, their work is rife with poor editing choices. Some are not so bad, some are actually ok or even good. BUT, if you’re going to behave like a complete jackass, at least have the decency to WOW me! Also, their logo is a stock photo… and after contacting the artist, there is no record of them purchasing it… hooray!
The second happened the very next day! Gosh, it was a fun week for interactions with “photographers” for me!
As a lot of you know, I work in retail. It’s a crappy full time job but it pays the bills and supports my photography habit as well as feeding me on a daily basis. I answer phones all freaking day. Usually there is some unintelligible being on the other end with whom I go around and around with trying to figure out just what the hell they want from me and why they’re incapable of coming into the damn store. I digress.I got a call from a gal who said she got a new monitor and that the color wasn’t good enough. I asked if she had had the monitor calibrated and she said no. She asked how much it would cost to get it done and I told her; she of course freaked out at the price and exclaimed that she could buy a whole new monitor for that same price so she would either do it herself or buy another monitor in hopes it would be better.
I went on to explain the Spyder calibration software for either home computers or professional business computers. When I told her the prices those could run, again, she freaked out. “I’m a photographer,” she said “I need to have the right color on my monitor! I shouldn’t have to pay for something the company should do for free!”
I have to stifle a giggle. I told her how several of the photographers I knew had spent hundreds, if not thousands, on their computer equipment and print calibration. Then I explained that most labs also ask for color profiles anyway.
She told me she would be returning everything and that this was “ridiculous”. I told her that that was her decision and we’re sorry she feels that way but unfortunately there’s not much else we can do after offering those solutions. She hung up.I got curious so I put the phone number into google and came upon this:
http://capturelife.printroom.com/It looks like something made with geocities in 1999. Apparently it’s a “Professional Photography Storefront”… I couldn’t help but think that, if those were the kind of photos she was taking, it wasn’t worth getting the equipment calibrated…
Then she called back! The next day. Asking how much photoshop was… and guess what? She was outraged at the price. I told her about Adobe CC but she still wasn’t having it. Too expensive.
*sigh*I get phone calls from “photographers” all the time that are mad we don’t have certain lenses in stock at any given time because they “need them for a job today” or furious at the cost of spare batteries or a replacement charger… but I rarely get calls from a “business” that doesn’t understand that it costs money to operate one.
November 5, 2013 at 12:05 am #14869fstopper89
ParticipantI can hardly even navigate that “website.” @iliketag that whole story is hilarious. What does she think, a monitor just comes out perfect from the box? And those people think professional lenses are just always in stock locally?
by the way- RICKY FREAKIN CAIN. He’s started stalking me on LinkedIn. Seriously, how do I block someone from LinkedIn? He knows where I work now and I’m afraid that nutjob is going to try to find me. He’s got enough freak in him.
November 5, 2013 at 2:43 pm #14886November 5, 2013 at 11:04 pm #14900Mend
Participant@BEG. looks like there isn’t a way http://help.linkedin.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2839
November 6, 2013 at 12:57 am #14903Thisworldsucks12
ParticipantI found one. Look at this.
She is really Charging People?
November 6, 2013 at 7:10 am #14908nesgran
ParticipantDearie me, I think she has a nose but I can’t be sure https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=475873739194030&set=pb.475866099194794.-2207520000.1383739344.&type=3&theater
Iliketag, interesting company you found, they look professional enough when you first glance at their website but then things fall to bits quickly enough. As for the other “tog”, I’m assuming she is one of the girls with a 1100D or D3100 who’ve started their photography business on boxing day. And who in their right mind would buy a lens the same day as an important shoot? You need a bit of time to get to know the stuff. Chargers and batteries however, they are extortionate, at least for Canon. I know you don’t set the prices but £150 for a bloody battery and £320 for a charger? Now if that isn’t silly I don’t know what is. Fair enough, given the price of cameras the charger and battery goes with it isn’t that big a % but still, for the same price as a new battery and charger I could buy a 700D and still have money left over for a spare battery for it. (If anyone in the UK want to sell me a LC-E4 charger for reasonable money let me know)
November 6, 2013 at 1:58 pm #14917cass335
ParticipantLooks to me like “Miranda’s photography” has discovered PS Actions….There’s a Faux that pops up on my page once in a while, whom I suspect recently discovered them as well. The giveaway is that they put it on EVERY photo, regardless of how bad it makes the pic look.One of which looks like a “lens flair” action…and it looks really bad and really fake. Not that I like lens flairs at all, but their is still a “right” way to do them.
November 7, 2013 at 11:10 am #14926Tiradia
Participant@Ebi, I love sushi/sashimi. 😀 Ha-ha, I’m shocked no one else picked up on it :O! My partner and I drop 150-200 dollars a time when we go out and eat Sushi. Though, it seems like everyone now wants to put spicy freaking mayonnaise on everything -_-. I also found out that fauxtog I linked ended up doing my cousins wedding… I called them up and I tore into them. Granted I live 8 hours away the could have at least asked me 😐 they would have gotten pictures with out all those horrible vignettes and ones actually worth keeping! Shame on them I say :(. Def one of those you get what you pay for kinda moments.
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