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    Not only but I think there is quite a bit holier than thou type of behavior on here to be honest. What ‘makes’ you a ‘real’ photographer is whether or not your client is satisfied. I was, for the most part. There are little things here and there that I don’t adore but I’ve seen the photos you posted in your other thread soaring and I didn’t find them very visually appealing. Beauty is inthe eye of the beholder as is any form of art. In the long run, i would rather have a ‘horribly’ edited photo than a photo that seems a bit cliche and simple.


    Weird. Posts not turning up. Anyway..

    Lol. getting a wee bit personal and upset are we? Na, someone who doesn’t have experience with the field doesn’t define what makes a photographer sorry 🙂

    Sorry but I don’t really value your opinion as anything more than someone who needs to lash out.

    All the photos  critiqued wasn’t judged on something arbitrary like beauty. It was judge on things like colour, lighting, editing. Things that have a distinct reasoning behind.


    Don’t get upset just because you’ve been caught out. You were outing someone out. You could have asked this on Modelmayhem but you didn’t, you posted this question on ‘youarenotaphotographercom’. You could have posted this on the photography showcase but you didn’t, you put it on ‘are you a faux’ forum. Lastly you even put the title as “faux”.

    Imagine if you were a photographer who worked with someone only to find your name and your hard work being unwillingly critiqued  on a website that focuses on Fauxtographers.

    Go right ahead and keep asking for opinions, but try getting any other photographers on MM shooting for you after having knowledge that you would just run to YANAP to critique their work.


    No Im getting upset because you are being pompous. Furthermore, I own the rights to the photos and the concept of these photos were my ideas. The specific photographer would care less what anyone thinks. No… what makes a real photographer is dictated by the client. If the client isn’t satisfied, photos are irrelevant. Furthermore, I am satisfied. There are a few things that I’d like tweaked but the whimsical nature of the photographs are far more important to me than technical mumbo jumbo. I stumbled onto this site not and decided to see what people would say. I had no idea people would be overtly rude. These photographs grace every single one of my social media pages, if I hated them I wouldn’t use them. Like I said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, photography is art not just a science and I prefer the more artistic side than perfect lighting.


    I’m not lashing out but you can’t dictate something like COLOR… the color is the last thing I would critique in the photos. The only issue I even see is the somewhat differences in skintone and  that window in the second photo.


    Na, go 2 MM and reenact how you worded everything and the same opinions would still come out.

    Don’t get upset when you don’t get the answer you are looking for in a website designed pinpoint Fauxtographers. Now you are just acting innocent of all this? bah.

    If you want your photographs to be better then take responsibility to make them better. Art and Technicality aren’t unrelated and can easily work together.

    My first post was good advice  that I would give to anyone truly seeking for opinion on how to get better – something I thought you were doing. Instead of what i think you are doing now. Outing someone out. What I gave was a universal standard in any photography forums. Modelmayhem or otherwise.

    You can take that advice or leave it.  If you are above becoming listening to opinions, go right ahead and think me pompous. The choice is yours. Doesn’t bother me at all.


    P.S You don’t define what a real photographer is, sorry but client being incharge of defining a photographer? ridiculous. 🙂


    and yes. You can judge the use of colour. Don’t be ridiculous.


    Unless you shoot landscapes or still life and exhibit photographs, clients are essential to your business. Unless you do it solely for the sake of art…the client is what defines you. Without clients…you aren’t anything. For instance, say the photographer says that the model is responsible for a bad shot…who else is going to model for them.


    Now, that being said. I did have ALOT of influence in these photos..they are mine and I own the rights to them so if anything it would make me look bad and not the photographer. Your issues lie in the technical aspects and thats what really irritated me because it was never about technical shit for me… and judging a photographers work without consideration of what I wanted is ridiculous. That being said, the execution of what I wanted isn’t my fault and obviously I’d like the skin to match but in the end I don’t care. I’m satisfied. The point is, you shoot weddings, tell a bride she’s the problem with the photograph or be haughty and make it about you instead of them when presenting the photos and see where that gets you.


    Also…you are judging me for having a discussion about photographs that I own the rights to…whereas you posted images of your clients on here I’m sure without their knowledge…wedding photos, personal and intimate photographs on a site ‘like this’. I didn’t know exactly how harsh and negative it was here that being said I didn’t care. The photos are mine to do with what I please, so you are being a bit hypocritical.


    Unless you shoot landscapes or still life and exhibit photographs, clients are essential to your business. Unless you do it solely for the sake of art…the client is what defines you. Without clients…you aren’t anything. For instance, say the photographer says that the model is responsible for a bad shot…who else is going to model for them.

    Lol Wrong.You already contradicted yourself in your own definition. You’ve already put prerequisites on an already flawed definition. Your client does not make you a photographer. You even said so in your own definition!

    Understanding clients is what makes you a successful photographer, but saying that having or working with clients is the litmus test of what makes a photographer? no false.

    You have little to do with photography and here you are trying to box us into a definition? That’s funny! No biggy. If that’s the case then I just had a $10,000 client. Will you listen to my opinions now?


    You said initially that you said how the editing had to be done. That’s literally what you said. Therefore we judged on the editing. and now you are peeved that we judged you on editing? What did you want to be judged on?? What exactly are you upset about?

    Your metaphor doesn’t even make sense because it has nothing to do with the situation here. You’ve clearly just tried to staple some problem you think I have to your own insecurities cause you didn’t get the opinion you wanted.

    I critique based on photography and editing on the 3 photos you put on a photography based forum saying how you had input in the editing process of it and you fault me cause of it?


    Also…you are judging me for having a discussion about photographs that I own the rights to…whereas you posted images of your clients on here I’m sure without their knowledge…wedding photos, personal and intimate photographs on a site ‘like this’. I didn’t know exactly how harsh and negative it was here that being said I didn’t care. The photos are mine to do with what I please, so you are being a bit hypocritical.


    Actually I have a strict contract that allows me to do whatever I want to those particular photos. My clients are completely content and happy for me to do whatever I want with those photographs and no, that is not what being hypocritical is. Stop being so upset and just lashing out.

    I didn’t judge you for posting photos up. I questioned you on suspicion of outing a photographer out. The very purpose of this subforum.

    Man stop acting like a victim


    I said I had imput on what i wanted the finished image to look like…Im not a retoucher, I know nothing of the process. i said how I wanted the final image to look based on my limited knowledge and I imagine they got as close to that as possible. Whose problem is it, at this point I’m not sure.

    How much your client pays has nothing to do with anything… someone with too much money that they find that somehow appropriate. Although Im assuming it was some sort of corporate client and not an individual and most of that is the fee to distribute the images. Art doesn’t have a price. I guess thats where we really don’t connect. I’m an artist (well technically you are as well ) but you care more about it as a business than an artform (i gather, i dont really know you so i have no idea). Although im sure if i paid 10k  I would be perfectly satisfied. I do apologize for what I said about your work earlier…no need to go there really but I think I took offense as an artist and thats why i went after yours I guess.  But that still being said, I prefer the outcome of my images to several examples of yours. (based on content I guess and not alot of extreme editing which I like…) But I guess thats bc your clients don’t ask for that. I did like the wedding one on the cliff with the wind, that I did like.


    I stumbled onto this site and assumed this subforum was to discuss photos, I didn’t read any other posts in detail. My intent wasn’t to call anyone out…since I commissioned and set the tone of these photos. I also didnt expect the photos to be harshly received, i figured there would be some issues and I wanted to see where exactly that would be. I use these photos..so I wouldn’t call someone out on them. Although, once criticized so harshly it did piss me off because i think its somewhat of a grey issue at parts. i.e. the color. I like the colors… I think the McDonalds one is a bit harsh but I realy like the colors in the woods one… I dont see how that would be improved except for professional lights…and its in the woods, not easily done.

    reality check

    My first impressions, before reading all the replies… LOVE the model, and the concept I think you were trying for, but unfortunately the photographer fell short.  I took your post as you asking whether your photographer is a faux or not, BUT that you didn’t want the photographs to be judged by editing, style, or concept because your photographer was following your lead, and attempting to create what you were looking for.  Failed attempt.  Does that necessarily mean faux?  Not in my book.  Quite possibly just a tog that was taken out of their comfort zone and usual genre of photography, and they lack in the know how and experience to achieve this type of shoot successfully.  Now, if he/she said “Sure I can do that!  No problem. Pay me!” and/or tried to convince you the images were rockin awesome, after you complained, or were not satisfied in anyway with them. Then…. I may change my mind on the whole faux thing.

    After reading the entire discussion…

    I’m not exactly sure what your intentions were by posting, and I’m left a little confused, but I sure hope I helped you in some way



    I just wanted opinions, I guess I did want to know what to watch out for for the next time I do a shoot like this. Although, I may feel uncomfortable giving the photographer or retoucher that much instruction. But even with these,  I am satisfied. They did their job, they were intended purely as weekly promotional photos….so they did their job.

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