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    First, unlike many who post here, I do not do portraiture. I do not nor probably will never have aspirations of creating a photo business. This is purely a hobby. That being said, I would still like to receive feedback and any suggestions of areas where I could improve. Sometimes I allow myself to believe every comment when I post a photo to facebook. If I believe all of my facebook friends and family, I would think I was Ansel Adams reincarnate. I know that is far from the truth so I am seeking some much needed honesty and critique. Thanks.



    I like them.  They look like they belong on 500px as they are pretty saturated, but they are good.   At the size I am viewing them, some look sharpened too much.

    Cypress Sunrise reminded me of Ronnie Gaubert’s photos of Louisiana.  He was on Pbase but he died of ALS a couple of years ago and it appears his page there has been taken down.  Some others have posted a few of his photos there.  A search on Flickr also found a few, though not the ones I was looking for.  He had a dreamy quality to some landscapes and some awesome photos of creatures.  Here is one of his:

    Trunks II - Lake Martin, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana - Ronnie Gaubert


    You have a very good eye for composition…and a VERY heavy hand in post!!!     Many of those shots if handled lightly would be great, frameable photos.


    Thank you for taking time to give your feedback. You both make good points that I will definitely consider. The landscape photography that resonates with me deeply is that of photographer Marc Adamus (http://www.marcadamus.com/) and similar photographers. Thanks again.


    Thanks to Google, I found some of Ronnie Gaubert’s landscapes.  There are other galleries as well.  Here are some of the landscapes:



    Thanks for that link. I really like his landscapes. I greatly appreciate the feedback that I received and I tried to put it into practice. Here is a photo I took earlier today. I enhanced the sky (although not too much. It was naturally very dramatic) and I enhanced the barn slightly. Everything else was very minimally edited.



    I like your latest effort.  The clouds may be a little dark, though.  The second I saw it, I thought of Trey Ratcliff’s photos:



    I have been contemplating the critiques of my photos. I think the comments about heavy handed processing are very valid. I took one of the photos and did an additional edit and would like to get your feedback. Here is the original edit then the second edit:





    I’m a city kid, and a water rat, so take this as such.  The scene doesn’t do much for me.  I would like the camera pulled back or panned a little right.

    Of the two presented, I prefer the first (top), but don’t like the clouds in either one.  I would prefer lighter clouds with the saturation of yellow and darkness of the back lit scene.   The only explanation for light on the structure’s sides seen by us is reflection from the sky.  What is the correct brightness?

    Some of the blind critiques deal with portraits, some are of landscapes.  You might enjoy them.  This one has a bit of landscape and a bit of HDR, you might enjoy it:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYJBrKz3e2s

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