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    Don’t get me wrong, I love this site, and any/all of these fauxtogs deserve some level of derision.

    What I have a problem with is all the cowards that talk trash without posting links to their own work.

    I think the ability to comment/post ought to be limited to those willing to post links to their own work.   I hate the courage that is derived from web anonymity.

    Not saying I’m an amazing photographer, but I’m happy to stand by my “work” whilst mocking others on this site.

    Doubt it’ll happen, but I think it should be implemented as it kind of gives the comments some level of legitimacy.




    Al, this is like asking a book critic who gave a critique to write a better book. or someone who posts a one star review on Amazon.com about any product to make a better working product. Or a customer at a restaurant complaining about a chef’s work. you don’t have to be a chef to know, when the food isn’t great.


    critics don’t need to be photographers on this site.  A lot of people have some kind of esthetic value without having to have any artistic talent.


    trash talking or honest criticism?


    You can always factor in how they speak about the work to know if they have any idea, I just tend to skimp over replies like that.


    Henny … we’re not talking professional critics here.  We’re talking about people coming here and (rightfully or wrongfully) trashing something.  But whatever, I’m sure you’re just responding because I called out your husband for being a shit in an early post.


    Brownie –  good question IF “honest criticism” was actually happening here.  Let’s not fool ourselves, this website (which I love btw) is geared totally towards mockery.. nothing less, nothing more.  Do we honestly believe that fauxtogs learn from this.. no, they’re not the target audience anyways.

    So yeah, trash talking is what I was going after because I don’t see honest criticism actually existing here. 🙂


    Well, they can post their work and be completely delusional with regard to its merit too. That’s got to be worse than carefully concealing your identity and hiding your stuff because you know it’s worthless.

    I don’t find either of these behaviors unexpected. But I was sort of surprised how clueless some of the pretend-photographers are about the actual practical matters of shooting. For example, I think of couple people claimed that I’m using sunsets as a crutch, but shooting right into the sun effectively is waaaay harder, not easier. Not to mention that I constantly get requests to do sunsets. Then there are people who manage one passable shot of someone that’s always around, in the controlled environment of their home, and now believe themselves capable of arranging a shoot with a stranger in an unfamiliar location and nailing a dozen excellent photos in an hour. Stuff like this really belies any sort of actual experience shooting.


    Hey wait you don’t seem to have any photos up either.


    Well, Al, you must not read my critiques then. Hahah.


    @dicksforeyes – “they can post their work and be completely delusional with regard to its merit too”  true that.

    “I don’t find either of these behaviors unexpected. ” DOn’t get me wrong, I expect it, I just don’t like it. 🙂 I’m a big shit talker myself. I call it as I see it with no fear, but am willing to take it as well (for better or worse)

    “Hey wait you don’t seem to have any photos up either” Ooops,. shit, I thought the “website” section on my portfolio would show up. Fixed now, my sig and profile show my website. Now I don’t feel like a hypocrite, thanks!

    @ Brownie – yeah, I’ve not. It’s why I said “I don’t see honest criticism actually existing here” because I’ve not seen any in all the things I’ve viewed. But if that’s the case, kudos on you. Though I’m not sure why you do it, do you think anyone reading and commenting actually will gain from it? If so, who knows maybe I’ll be a bit more constructive as well. Mostly I get a kick at all the a-hole comments and then chuckle when I see their work…. IF they have the balls to post it. 🙂

    Anyway.. this was just a rant against all the internet anonymity bravado which irks me.  I know it’s how it is, don’t mean I have to like it! 🙂


    I do it because it’s what I’m passionate about. Learning from others is so important when you really analyze photographs


    @Brownie.. but are these the images to actually learn from?  Wouldn’t your time learning be better spent looking at actually good images instead of absolute total failures?  I’d imagine you’d learn a LOT more from a critical review of something with actual substance?  Do you spend time on other sites writing reviews as well?

    You should come over to DPS and do some reviews in the critique section.. much more to learn there i’d presume. 🙂


    So Al, I take it you want me to put up or shut up?  Why? As I have made clear repeatedly, I do not shoot the kind of stuff seen on here so it’s more than somewhat pointless.

    Furthermore, I do have a life and am not tethered to the net for most of my waking hours.  Some people seem to spend the bulk of their time here and I have a lot going on at the moment.

    Now, if anyone here wants to see killer images, here’s the magick linky: http://www.dpchallenge.com.

    Now go join.  Read and understand the rules, then start shooting for and entering challenges.  And though I haven’t written many critiques lately, I have been publicly thanked by at least two other DPCers who have won ribbons, because my critiques helped them take their photography in the right direction.  So I do know how to write useful critiques and comments.   That’s all I’m going to say.


    I worded that a bit odd. I like explaining what doesn’t work for people’s photographs whether technical, or aesthetically or what have you. I don’t do much learning here, but I try to teach others about what works and what doesn’t.


    I do not shoot the kind of stuff seen on here so it’s more than somewhat pointless.

    What could you possibly shoot that cannot be subject to evaluation or criticism?

    Are you an MRI technician?


    *shrugs* I shoot sporting events and a lot of wildlife, food, and similar images for stock.  You want to evaluate or criticize a photo of some ears of corn?

    Didn’t think so.

    And frankly, compared to DPC, where there are several active forums covering every aspect of photography, YANAP is kinda narrow in its focus and scope.  Think I’ll go back to wasting what precious little free time I have there.  Seeya.


    You want to evaluate or criticize a photo of some ears of corn?

    Lots of people would be interested in this. Especially if you selectively color them.

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