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    Since we have already hijacked the thread, what does the extra 1500 get you with a MKIII over a 6D?

    Reading reviews the 6 seems to have some pretty incredible ISO/low noise capabilities in and of itself. I am not all that big on auto focus points, and the increase in fps is a non player for me. I know the MKIII will write to the card faster too but what are the other benefits if anyone out there has used both….


    I’ve never used a 6D.. It has built in WIFI and GPS I think? I didn’t like it.. It felt too much like a cheap camera to me.. Felt in all honesty, like something below a 60D..





    JCFindley, all the things I find compelling in the 5D Mk III (strong auto-focus, dual card slots, pretty high ISO with no noise, silent shutter mode) mean nothing to you because of what you shoot and the way you shoot it.  The 6D has more pixels and a better monitor than the 5D Mk I, but otherwise I can’t think of much that would be an enticement for you.

    They each have their strengths and weaknesses, as does the 1Dx.  It’s simply a case of figuring out your needs and getting, or staying with, the body that meets them best.

    Got to like a comparison that states lack of a pop-up flash is a weakness in both 6D and 5D!


    Popup flash can be useful! It means the camera can most likely trigger OCF. Although, I’ll stick my radio triggers.



    No built-in flash Professional


    A built in flash is important for taking shots such as indoor shots and evening shots when there isn’t as much light. If you’re buying a compact affordable camera then you should ensure you get a flash. Many higher end cameras do not come with built-in flashes and instead provide an external hot shoe onto which you can add a flash.


    o_0, I don’t think they are insinuating that popup flash is either good or bad.. Pretty unbiased, I think.


    Yeah, and ya know, neither my original 5D or the new ones have that little running guy symbol on the mode dial so how can I shoot sports?

    It is really the high ISO without noise that is most appealing to me with the new bodies. Most of the advantages for the MKIII really are not a big deal for what I do.


    I would actually like a popup flash just to take pure snapshots of my dog, but then, with a useable 25 thousand ISO and fast glass, not all that sure I need one.  For that matter, I don’t own a flash now.


    tbh, you could probably get away with what you do with your 5dc until it dies.  I’m pretty sure you work around your own schedule (?), where you can plop a tripod and hit the shutter release and expose your images for as long as you want.

    I’m not insinuating you spend 2 thousand more dollars on a 5d3, lol.


    One thing, I can see I don’t like for certain is the 1/4000th shutter speed.


    What the 5DIII offers over the 6D: One more card slot (though this is a slow SD one), vastly superior AF system with the exception of the centre point which is actually better on the 6D, more robust body, joystick on the back and overall better ergonomics and two more megapickles.

    What the 6D offers over the 5DIII: Slightly lighter and smaller body, slightly better high iso performance, wifi and gps


    Neither of the two will really give you any better performance than a 5DII if you use iso 100 except for the fact that the two new FF offerings have better weather sealing.


    I was actually going to ask if the 6D was weather sealed. I was under the impression it wasn’t. I read on it before it’s release thanks to canonrumors.com but not too much since then… I’m not even sure if it’s a Magnesium body like the others.

    Shows how much I’ve stayed on top of bodies…
    *Runs off to read up*


    I held the 6D and I absolutely hated the feel of it.. It felt like a cheap plastic toy to me.


    Oooh ok, after poking around for just a few minutes I found a few things I’d take the 5D series over the 6D. The 6D is magnesium on the bottom portion but polycarbonate on the top (which may explain why it feels a smidge cheapy), whereas the 5DII and 5DIII are full magnesium. The 5D’s also have a 100% veiwfinder coverage and the 6D is only 97%. I know, I know, 3% isn’t huge, but man that would drive me crazy if I thought I framed something out and still managed to have to crop down in post… These are nominal but they are nice little “oomphs” to push me in the direction of the 5DIII for saving up.


    If you want something, and it’s something that plays in your mind–you might as well get it. For when you buy the alternative, you will most likely regret it.

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