Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? am i improving?

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    please look at my latest shots and let me know if you think im improving, thanks


    They are a little over exposed  and to “warm” for me, but other than that i like the overall look and feel of them.


    The color is much better and more subtle, but there is still that strange contrasty thing going on, especially with this one


    A couple also have too much pp on the eyes.

    I have a feeling, instead of working on your editing all you did was try a different action.

    To useanother people’s actions successfully you really need to learn first what they are doing, and learn proper editing first.


    Think of it this way…. How can someone else’s actions help MY photos?  They were all taken in a different location, different time, different settings, with a different camera, different subjects, different end outcome etc.  learn how to edit your photos first, before taking editing short cuts.  There’s really no other way to go about it and have a complete understanding to how an action effects your photos.

    You don’t want your business to be dependentsomeone’s one else’s editing style.  You need to work on your own.


    Oh and by the way,

    (I believe Ialready said this) you can see that you are really good with people and connect with your subjects really well.  I envy that.  I’m so awkward behind the camera, and struggle with directing.


    The shots are good, I don’t mind the post processing except for the contrast. It seriously makes me cringe a little. I hate Fauxtography pointed out the same one I was going to so no need to rehash that.

    Also looks like a guy is peeing on  tree in the background of this one. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/562799_409246275795567_917978939_n.jpg  Mind you I’m terrible myself at watching my backgrounds while shooting. So I get it, I actually do have a great photo I took with a rottweiler pooping in the background. Was terrible haha.

    If you are using actions, which is photoshop, start adjusting that opacity slider and find that happy medium 🙂


    I think you should focus on your photography before you dive into photoshop.  Consider using fill flash and reflectors to help with your exposures.



    Yes, click it.   it’s as if  she skipped right to the decorating, before building the house.  Slow down,  and take some steps back that you skipped over, and you’ll do just fine 🙂

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