Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? you're not a real photographer because your camera is too small/ not full frame Reply To: you're not a real photographer because your camera is too small/ not full frame


^^That’s a funny read.

I think photographers who feel insulted because some non/new photographer commented about their entry level equipment have problems with insecurity.

Something  like this:

Perception: “You must suck because you don’t have professional equipment”

Reality: No, I suck because I suck, my camera has nothing to do with my sucking. For you to not understand that offends me and causes me to realize that you recognize I probably suck and you have never seen even a single one of my sucky photos. How presumptuous of you to think I suck. Let me educate you. Here is a list of photographers who don’t suck that use cameras that you probably would think suck. Now I feel vindicated for unduly being labeled a sucky photographer. I promise, I don’t suck, my mom says I’m great.