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I understand where you’re coming from, emf. I really do. But this…

“Nice jpegs of who appears to be a sweet young girl juxtaposed by one scroll of the mouse wheel with garrish, frightening shots of punk rockers with a decidedly sinister look. Forward to ducks, churches, rescued squirrels, and war heroes contrasted immediately by – wait for it – the scary punk rockers.

Then the Telly Savalis ‘Talking Tina’ doll from the Twilight Zone? Now I’m gonna have nightmares that a war hero dressed as your niece is going to a wedding of ducks and squirrels in a church where the punk rock band is performing.

Save your BEST work for a portfolio. Not every shot on the memory card.”

…is not trying to help me improve. That is just being a pretentious asshole. Especially coming from some creepy old dude who only takes random pictures of little kids. The only person I had a problem with is him. But others had to butt in and get involved. Anyway, now that I’ve gotten some sleep and I’m in a little less of a pissy mood, I will say that I simply disagree with your analogy.

And again, if someone out there could delete my account, that would be swell.