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Thanks for the input. 🙂 That is what I was thinking. I do mainly still life photography to hone my skills and because it relaxes me when I have had a rough day with my children. I get what you are saying though, only finish the ones that people request and my work isn’t going to be seen by others unless my work gets out there. I knew about the cost of finishing them already because I have taken a couple of my pics to a few Photo finishing studios to see what the actual cost would be. I want to eventually take some college courses to learn every aspect I can of photography while keeping my style aesthetic in mind. Someday once my kids have graduated high school and moved out of the house I hope to go on a Nat geo expedition and have some of my photos end up in one of their magazines. (I know that that is a long ways off and I know I have a lot more learning to do) But it is still a dream I have and a goal I want to someday attain.