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Ok, after I saw Nairby’s post I finally got it to load.

That being said, it took WAY too long to load. And I have a 6 core desktop I’m on right now…

This article details how long people will wait for a webpage to load… you could be losing clients based solely on poor load times. Do you really want that?
Your page isn’t overly “busy” with distractions but your full resolution images are causing it to crawl. Even the photo stream at the bottom takes it’s sweet time. You need to compress your images. Also, if you post high res images, it’s much easier for them to be subject to theft.

I agree with Nairy about the categories. Not only is it easier for a client to see a portfolio based on their wants, but it doesn’t force me to look at portraits mixed with images of lemurs and kitty cats. (I would lose the cat photo, honestly. It’s not bad but it definitely doesn’t wow me.)

You need to get to work on your about me section, pronto. Add a headshot or family photo – something personable so that it’s easier to relate to you. Having a blank about section is a good way to have a potential client, even early on like this, go the route of another photographer because they feel that other person doesn’t have anything to hide.