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I kind of feel sorry for people who buy likes. I just know I’d feel horrible about it, if I felt the need to. It doesn’t really get them anywhere either, they still only have a few legit likes to build from just like everyone else, only they are out of some money, and their time spent on something meaningless and useless.
I also don’t like when people solicit votes for photo contests or what have you.
lol when I see people do that I go to the contest and vote for the image/images I think should win, and it’s rarely the person who actually asked me to vote. I once entered a contest and linked to it asking for people to vote, and everyone came back asking “which one is your picture, so I can vote for it?”. No, I want you to vote for your favorite image, the one you feel should win. Crazy! I know! But, I don’t want to win because “Hey! I’m popular and have a great group of friends!”, I want to win on merit, and merit alone. “I won because my photograph is bad ass!” That, I could be proud of, THAT would be winning.
And this folks, is why I’m invisible in the photography world lol. I refuse to play the game.