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I think it looks pretty good, though it is a bit haphazard the way it is laid out on flickr. Lots of duplicates and some true disasters from the film era that ought to go in the bin I think. Your shots either seem to be good to very nice or real disasters which is a little odd.


I would suggest you make one portfolio for photojournalistic stuff no matter what assignment it was, one for portraits and then finally one for everything else. I would probably remove the year spans as they are big yet there isn’t very much in there making it look like you’ve only shot one thing every two years. As for putting an ad up on craigslist, make sure it is much less random shots on there than on your flickr.

One thing I believe though is that proper off camera light will make posed portraits pop a bit more, have you got a set up for that? I would probably have liked a shallower depth of field in the shots of the woman in stripy jumper to make the skyline look a little more out of focus yet still retaining the shape so one can get a feeling for location. I can’t see what setting you’ve used since you’ve stripped the exif but I think you’ve done well with settings and natural light. Have a look at strobist.com for ideas how to make your mugshots look a little more appealing although I understand if the client asked for it like that (the guy with the glasses). Also be careful with the reflection in his glasses which is a little distracting.