Home Forums Photography Showcase Request for Constructive Criticism Reply To: Request for Constructive Criticism


Thanks all for your comments so far!  We have really appreciated having fresh eyes look at our work; since it is hard to objectively judge your own stuff.  We have already implemented some of your recommended changes, so sorry if it gets confusing as we are in the process of updating our portfolio.  The main thing we have done so far has been to remove the seniors gallery from our website and throw in two of the senior pictures into our portraits gallery.  Also we changed out the photos on our home page and slightly adjusted our portraits and families galleries.

Also, for convenience of communicating, you can right-click on our images to “save as…” in order to see the filename.  Hopefully that will save further discussion from having to describe each shot in order to identify it.

Updates to our engagements and wedding galleries will be coming soon!