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Ok I’ll take a look at some shots randomly that I see and give you some more input.


pros: I like the colors/editing in this one.  It looks natural, and in camera. and I like the subject matter a lot, water drops can take us to a different world.

Cons:  Unfortunately the way you shot the droplet didn’t take me anywhere, and I was left thinking. “hmmmm…a water drop.”  The light reflection directly behind the drop is very very distracting.  In fact that is what the viewer is drawn to first.  Pay attention to the rule of thirds (this goes for pretty much every shot I saw in your gallery). Taken from a different perspective this little drop could offer something fabulous.


your dolls are awesome


Unfortunately the way you shoot them isn’t.

There is no interest at all, except “hey, cool looking doll!”

When we shoot still life, objects, flowers, etc we are completely in charge of why, when, where, and how we shoot them.  I use objects like stuffed animals and dolls to teach me lighting techniques, and they allow me to be in charge of the total composition, mood, and help me concentrate on in camera work, all while pushing my creativity.  These objects have helped improve my portraiture, and my art, even though I dont share them with anyone but myself. I don’t see this sort of practice with any of your shots.  They seem to be shot without any care at all taken.

Google “white balance ” I see you are having trouble with it, and just a quick self tutorial on WB could help your photography so much.  Take your time, slow down.  When shooting macro flowers and/or objects you have all the time in the world to get the shot right.  When outdoors pay attention to time of day, unwanted shadows, and glare.  When indoors pay attention to light as well, and use this time to play around with lighting and take the time to see what light manipulation and set up/composition can do for your photography.  Pay attention to background, pay attention to light, and most of all take your time.  Clean up that portfolio, and only post the best shots, not absolutely everything you shoot.  You will have a clean and more interesting portfolio AND it will be easier to get the input you are wanting.