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Vamp, I admire your courage, and the fact that you questioned yourself and put your work out there for us to see.  I hate fauxtography, but NOT the people who create it.  Like you I am in the process of learning.  I only post my “art” for public viewing and keep my portraiture and/or more marketable photography private.  Why?  because I am still experimenting and learning, and when I tried to get CC and/or help with my portraiture, all I received were compliments and nicey nice  (until I found photo.net that is.  Now I know I can get the help I need when I experiment again.  Give it a try someday.  NO, they arent out to make friends over there, but at least it’s a less hostile environment than YANAP).  I know all of what we have said is hard to swallow, but seriously, the advice and CC given here is a gift to you, if you choose to see it as such.  Anyway, I know I have been rather harsh, and hiding behind my annon name.  To show you that I am being sincere, I want to let you in on a little about me and be brave like you are and link to my little rebubble page *blush* http://www.redbubble.com/people/onegoodeye/portfolio  This is my attempt to help you see we are not out to get you, we are not being mean, or bullies with too much time on our hands.  We just care a whole heck of a lot about photography and want you to improve.