Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? Not long ago i was up on this website getting bashed SUCK IT!! =) Reply To: Not long ago i was up on this website getting bashed SUCK IT!! =)


everything i say gets twisted on this site. Evidently im not very good at typing my thoughts… I felt like i wasnted my time trying to explain myself not ask for critique. that was my main point was to say i think im a pretty good photographer and wonder why the one person that is suppose to believe in me doesnt. Im sure this will get twisted around. ive tried to explain but it just keeps getting worse. lol


although all this was right


Thank you,
It came at a time when people in my life were putting me down, bashing me, and my eyesight started to become questionable. You all gave me the courage and confidence to tell all my nay sayers to “suck it”, even though I know I have a lot to learn, and lots of work ahead of me, it’s quite nice to know that some of my peers think I’m starting on the right track.

May I ask you all for your time again please to critique my latest work, and offer me more ways to continue to improve? I just started learning OCF. I’m very excited, but I feel I may need a little help with it. Any other insights and suggestions are more than welcome.


I would love someone to actually tell me what they think about my work. Not the title!! the title i used may have not been appropriate true but let please move past it (this is what i mean by wasted time)

Im not sure how this post will get twisted but i sure hope not!! here is a recent photo if anyone would like to waste their good time to critique.
