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Nesgran, so true.

Sometimes I think being “nice” isn’t nice at all.  Ya know like the whole American idol syndrome.  family and friends telling someone they are a fabulous singer their whole life, only to find out that they are tone deaf, and get told by Simon “Don’t quit your day job”.

There are so many “nice” critique forums/pages popping up out there, with all kinds of rules and regs.  like “No talking about business” They will even go so far as to ban a user if they hurt someones feelings, by being too blunt (and no, I’ve never been banned from a forum like that lol).  Most are started as a way to market to the masses, so I see why they NEED things to stay “nice”, but… how nice is it really?!  Keeping people in the dark like that?  All I know is I’m really glad I have “mean” people in my life 🙂

Speaking of which.  People here at YANAP might be interested in this.  I know I plan on using it when the time comes.  Right now I’m still learning my new camera (I dumped my dslr and went mirrorless) , and it’s little quirks.  But, soon I’ll have this puppy down, and be ready to create, and get going on the good stuff.

How to Get Genuine Feedback On Your Photographs

Think I should make a new thread just to talk about it?  I’ve been tempted, because I find it exciting and I LOVE the idea.