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Stef, Initially, I was supposed to take the job and shoot the wedding but it was taken to the shop for body repair and so I gave her a list of places she could call. She got in touch with a photographer who was booked and she would have had no problem paying the $800 to hire him on. This photographer was literally the last ditch effort aside from allowing friends and family to take pictures with their camera phones — Anyway I’m rambling.

Getting an IP Lawyer is a great idea, and that has been something I’ve been putting off for a while. I used to go through a friend of mine’s to get advice so hopefully they are still in the area.

So I finally heard from the fauxtog, and this was what she had to say:

I just wanted to start out by saying. Sorry for all the confusion etc. I am glad that you did give me credit for my Photos. ##### and I have been talking and I was upset about it and didn’t know how to take it. Your edits are amazing and as a “hobby photographer” I am not professional. Just like anyone, everyone has to start somewhere and as my sessions and clients grow I learn new things and still in the process of learning new things. I was upset over the fact you didn’t even ask and I saw no credit going towards me. I do have copyright on those images and they are mine. I know you would understand if this matter happened to you. ##### gave you permission I understand but I still have the Copyright and as you and I both are photographers. I hope you understand why and where I am coming from on this matter. I do have to say your edits are beautiful. Can you share any information with me on programs etc you use so I can better myself as right now I can’t afford to have you edit but how much would you charge etc. Can you please help me and share some information with me on programs etc. I am not nor will I ever try to steal business just trying to make mine better and improve my editings etc. Thank you so much and have a great day. I hope to hear from you soon. ########### ## ####
I love how she still continues to deny I give her any credit. *Cough* http://i.imgur.com/KJbDH.png *Cough* I’ll be calling that attorney tomorrow. As far as I know, Stef, the only thing that was really released was her verbal consent when she handed them the CD. I think the easiest thing is to just remove the photos entirely and just hand R and C the fixed images on disc. I have better images that I can use rather than deal with some fauxtog who wants to throw up legal ownership when she can’t shoot her way out of a paper bag.

This is probably going to be the first and last time I will ever offer retouching services again.