Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? I am terrified of you people! Here goes nothing. Reply To: I am terrified of you people! Here goes nothing.


Woe!  Lot’s of jaundice going on.  Some photos have no skin processing and could benefit from some, and others you went way over board.  Almost looks as though some of the shots weren’t exposed and/or focused properly and you processed them to try to cover it up, or “fix” it.  It was hard to look past the odd editing and just view the photos themselves.  My advice?  Work on getting things right in camera, and if you are using actions or presets STOP!  I did notice that a lot of your outdoor shots the lighting is pretty bad.  I’d look into some light modification of some sort, because to me they just look like anyone with a camera could have took them and passed them through a jaundice filter and voila!  Studio shots are a little better, but the lighting still isn’t quite right.  I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m sure some pros will chime in and offer better help.


It looks like you are really good with people though, and lot’s of photos, the posing/comp was really well executed.


Right now my vote is faux, but with a little help and some more CC and practice I can definitely see you improving and losing the faux status