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Wow lots of good info since I last checked lol.



I may go out and retry that shot again with an actual wide angle in golden hour and see how it comes out. The light was pretty harsh I’ll admit.


I’m still on the edge of what I’m wanting to do.  I like trying new things at this point and seeing what my Niche is.  I honestly wouldn’t mind becoming a product photographer.

I’ll have to see what I can do about that next time I shoot it.  Honestly I’m not sure the trains are still there.  If not it may be an even better shot?  idk we shall see.

Sounds like some great info to me, I’ll see about finding more interesting curvature and emblems.  It does have some pretty interesting ones.  I do have in mind a better place to take some pictures of it though.


Worst case:

Would you consider this one any better?  https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/967204_10151640166419645_1320251173_o.jpg