Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? Here Goes Nothing… Critique (+ Intro) Reply To: Here Goes Nothing… Critique (+ Intro)


i don’t have much time to do an in-depth critique right now (i did read your entire post, though), but it can basically be summed in two sentences.

they are NOT that good. you are.

you seem especially at ease with sports photography (and kudos to that – it’s one area i refuse to touch) but i did notice some shadow issues in the graduation photos, so be mindful of those.  you can see the raw talent… and i’m guessing you’re young, so you have plenty of time to develop (har har pardon the pun) your style and technique.

from what i’ve seen, if you’ve gotten criticism, it’s probably out of pure jealousy – most of the time that’s all it is (see browneyedgirl’s post about the 4-H photo contest for another example).

since you’re not marketing as a professional, you are definitely NOT a fauxtog. i think you could be a very, very good photographer with a little more time and experience. build a portfolio. 🙂

also, i’m sorry for the loss of your friend and mentor. i do think she’d be proud of your work, and what you’re doing to keep her name alive.