Home Forums Main YANAP Discussion Forum Got Emailed by a Faux about Copyright Laws! Reply To: Got Emailed by a Faux about Copyright Laws!


Yeah sounds like a load of bull… I believe Jim C is correct that there are certain words and phrases you can’t lay claim to. For instance, my business name is my first and middle name which are both pretty uncommon, especially together. Since it is my name, certain rules apply such as i don’t have to “register” it to own it… or so, I have read. However, if someone’s name is Ashley Ann Smith or whatever, you can bet there are 100 photographers who go by “Ashley Ann Photography.” If it’s a word/phrase like “Snappy Pix Photography” I think they have to go through a legal process to first find out if there’s a legitimate business already using that name, and then go about registering it. I can imagine it’s a long process. They’re idiots though for calling themselves “Award Winning Photography” because of how generic and widely-used that phrase is! Sounds like they’re not legitimate anyway, and you should ask them for the phone number of their lawyer. If they give you a real phone number you should call it, as I’m sure a lawyer may want to know if someone is pretending to have their legal consult.