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“Thanks for the feedback, it’s much appreciated. I think with the name we were playing off the slang term “Looky Loo” defined as someone that stops to watch wrecks, and celebrities.”
I think camera clicker gets that you aren’t meaning for your product to sound like “looky lavatory light” or “looky restroom light”, but for some people living in certain areas, that’s exactly how it will sound to them.

I also think the price is a bit steep. LED lights are pretty inexpensive and are only going to get even more affordable. What’s to stop me from spending a few dollars on a flashing, color changing adjustable bracelet to put on my lens instead or one of those shutter hugger stuffed toy accessories that everyone seems to be making and selling on etsy (along with their camera strap snuggies and the like) for less than $20.
It’s my understanding that your product also has music as well? And it’s much showier than a bracelet or stagnant stuffed animal would be, but not $149 more. And according to your kick starter that price is dramatically lower than what the actual sale price will be?

Hate to be a negative Nelly, but… Good luck finding enough people who are interested