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ok, well if you cant pinpoint what is wrong with the photos besides all of it, then i cant be bothered to take you seriously (and by no means am i saying i’m the best photog out there, I’m still a student for Christ’s sake). If you had actual critique you could tell me what about my photos could be improved upon or isn’t quite up to par technically, but since all you can say is that I’m delusional to think my work is decent with no valid argument that it isn’t in fact decent all i can do is chalk your opinion up to just that, an opinion; and we all know what they say about opinions.

Again, offer up a real critique and I might take it seriously; “go look at some magazines and start over.” Is criticism NOT critique

FYI, since it seems you can’t tell the difference

 [kri-teek] noun, verb, cri·tiqued, cri·ti·quing.

1. an article or essay criticizing a literary or other work; detailed evaluation; review.

 [krit-uh-siz-uhm] noun

1. the act of passing judgment as to the merits of anything.