Home Forums Am I a Fauxtog? Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page… Reply To: Fauxtogs who should end up on the main page…


I am confused to.  Are you saying you are a perv or the robot guy is?  His stuff SUCKS (WTF… https://www.facebook.com/BohemianRobotPhotography/photos/a.613382735373258.1073741890.495138150531051/1003647546346773/?type=1&theater )…the underwater stuff is passable, but the rest is dumb.  That said, I don’t see anything ‘pervy’.  Kids, babies, they garden variety faux shit.  I found his website to and again, not that interesting.  but i found you (or maybe a different eddie kiplinger) and all i see is young girls.  and on your twitter all you follow are porn stars.  ( https://twitter.com/EKiplinger/following ).  again, maybe it’s a different eddie but it looks like you and the robot guy/girl live in the same state.