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Gag, all of those listed in the last few comments!
TS- still looking for a main photographer to hire on her team- “must have a good camera and transportation!!” What exactly does she consider a good camera? A Rebel? Her website looks like a graphic design nightmare too.
The makeup is obviously done in post, but why, I will never understand. I don’t see much of anything in sharp focus on her page.
Nikki Michaud I think is one that has potential. She has a few decent ones, and a few decent ones ruined by weird editing, and then a whole bunch of not so great photos. But honestly I could see someone like her improving over the next year or two.
Inspired Moments needs to spend much less time playing the like ladder game and more time learning the basics of photography.
Back to this woman. Mrs. Perfect Photographer again. She needs to lay off the fake sunflare thing and stay away from this bridge! I don’t understand why she’d even think fake sunflare for this setting. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=648958055167223&set=a.648957955167233.1073741874.470923176304046&type=3&theater
She posted a really nice wedding photo recently but then a bunch more fauxtography.