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Let’s talk about him again, because we kinda passed over him and now this guy is completely unprofessional and harassing my friend who is a photographer.


The Digital Lightbox and his “slanted horizons” and fake vignettes:




I know what you’re saying now, BUT THAT GUY CAME HERE AND SAID HE’S A PROFESSIONAL! Well, does a professional send e-mails to other photographers asking them not to bring cameras to public events? Does a professional scream when other people do bring cameras to public events? Does a professional wait until yet ANOTHER (not my friend) photographer sets up his gear (WHICH HE HAD PERMISSION FROM THE EVENT STAFF TO DO, even though he didn’t need it since this was in public and all) and run over and start whining to him? Does a professional shoot overly dark photos in overcast light and then whine that his photos suck because people were in his way?