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This @$$hole is at it again! That Ricky Cain dude! He added me as a contact on Flickr. I should have blocked him right away. He commented on an image of mine and said “The watermark ruins this 4 me. Too much across the subjects.” While of course, the photo received compliments from other users. For crying out loud, it’s a watermark! There’s a reason I have it across part of the image where it would be difficult to clone out- people like him for one! He’s the guy who uploaded numerous images belonging to other photographers onto his photography page. And subsequently went nuts on me after I gave my honest opinion of his not-actually-HDR-HDR photos. I had this long, drawn out, pointless argument with him via messages. In the end I realized he’s a sad socially-awkward guy and just wanted someone to talk about life with, but that was not what I was there for. And when I saw a single photo of two girls hugging with a food pantry stocked up with canned goods behind them (which appeared to be a party photo in someone’s kitchen) I joked here that it looked like a doomsday prepper’s apartment. He misconstrued that to me hating the poor and those who help them, because the photo was from an event he photographed of people from a church doing a food drive for the poor. Shouldn’t a photo tell a story? Well, the story it told was a drunk party in someone’s kitchen, unless you viewed all the other photos or read the album’s caption. He threatened to slander my name, and said I was slandering him (nope, just stating some facts).
This dude is deranged and dangerous. I blocked him from Flickr and will try to block him from my photography page.
Oh, and let’s see his latest work. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=347752028684754&set=a.347751532018137.1073741849.175746772551948&type=1&theater