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Sorry you are upset, WD, but as with any form of art there will always be those who will critique your work (ie rip it to shreds). You would give up on your dreams because of the comments of a few strangers (including myself)? There is no reason that you need to stop taking photos, but as your client has indicated, your work isn’t quite at a sellable level yet. And if you can’t make your customers happy, then your business isn’t going to take off in the direction you would like.
Does this mean you give up and go home? No! Like anything in this world, photography is a constantly evolving process involving the study of new techniques, and practise, practise, practise! The day you think you are great is the day you stop becoming so.
Now, some quick advice for some easy improvements you can make: the first thing is to calibrate your monitor, so that you see true colours. You can pick up a Spyder4 Express for around $100, and it pays for itself the first time you use it. Basically you will see a huge difference in your monitor before and after, and it then makes colour correction of your photos a lot easier.
The second thing is that yellow casting in photos is going to make them look very dated very quickly. This also applies to any other gimmik of the month, like spot colouring, wonky angles for the sake of being “artistic”, and HDR, which has been done unto death. Get rid of all the arty junk and focus on your subject – perfect your horizons, subject placement, focus on eyes, and the simple aspects which when done right, make a photo amazing. I would much rather look at a plain photo with amazing focus and beautifully balanced colours than something that has been over-worked and looks sickly yellow.
Hopefully you will change your mind about giving up. People here aren’t trying to make you do that, but you need to understand the outrage that many of us feel when we see work that isn’t up to a professional level being sold as if it is. Also, take these comments as a true and honest critique of your work. Strangers don’t lie, those who love you will, or at least will see you work through rose-tinted glasses.
Best of luck to you!