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As far as lenses go between us we have a Tokina 11-16 wide angle, *He uses this for his videography* 18-55, 75-300, 50mm prime. And a few more I cannot recall off the top of my head. Yes! Haha queen it up. Butch guy going flamboyant makes for some hilarious incidents. And as far as assisting oh no, I wouldn’t dare pick up a camera until I saw what they are doing. I get to pick his brain when we are at work so its a nice resource to have. But to back track I usually use the 50mm. Unless its birds then it is the 75-300. Not at home atm to get the specs of the glass. *Ninja edit* I don’t put all my pictures online I do have a folder devoted to the Florida wild life however. :). Still learning and all the comments are wonderful!