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Heh.. it’s not that I don’t get the state as a violent, coercive entity.. trust me I get it.  I actually work in a field proving such things (The “Allen Borrelli” in this link [http://ictytranscripts.dyndns.org/trials/slobodan_milosevic/040126IT.htm] is me, you know, the guy who wrote an “expert report” as evidence in front of an int. criminal court trying to prove a states involvement in ..uh.. violence, murder, ethnic cleansing, etc. So yeah, I’m pretty sure my actual, real life working experience trumps the nice little books you quote on a internet forum while sitting around doing fuck all in Texas.

So yeah, kid, preach to me about state violence.. go ahead, quote me some books you read from the comfort of your couch, probably in mommy’s house. That should be fun.  Hmmm I’m sure with all your forum jaw yapping, you’ll achieve the status of an international expert is something.. yep.. you’re going to be big in ‘life’..  keep on talking shit from behind a keyboard like the rest of you slack ass nobodies.