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I don’t get it. There’s only five pictures when you take away the shots you took to show your set up for a portrait session.
This is a fine amount to show your very best work, but… I’m not getting that vibe at all from viewing them. Especially since there’s only three sessions, with multiple shots used from them. Were there originally more, but they were lifted from another artist???
The tooth and bike ones just seem to be nice snaps to me, and don’t look like paid work. Which leaves us with your Christmas portrait and one vsco black and white. The vsco cam pic is my favorite, minus the editing leaving the blacks crushed. Don’t get me wrong, I play with vsco and “film stimulation”, but I don’t think I’d ever use this type of editing for professional work. But, this is only my personal preference/opinion. I realize it’s trendy and popular right now.
I like the Christmas portrait ok, but it almost looks as though it’s a pulled back view, rather than the actual finished portrait. Like you should have dropped, moved a few steps to your left, and inched in a little closer.
Your color isn’t bad, your focus is good, and your exposures seem fine… But, I can’t say I feel like I just looked at a professional’s portfolio. It felt very sparse and snap shotty to me.