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Let’s just start with the fact that I don’t even look at someone’s work who only has FB.  Call is snobbish, but to me it’s the first sign of newbness when someone doesn’t have some other online portfolio/presence/footprint.  With only FB you’re no different than every other Mom/dude W/a Camera.  Plus I can’t see FB where I’m currently at (work! gasp!)

I honestly didn’t read all you wrote.. short attention span. But I can tell you this… photography, as a business, is like 10% actual shooting, 90% business (which means marketing, admin, networking, etc, etc!).  So that’s one area you can spend some time learning (especially things like marketing, seo and how to run a legit business).  Then spend every single second you can shooting, and then shoot some more.  ‘studystudystudy’ is crap.  Shoot shoot shoot is the way to go. This way you learn you, your camera, and what your tend to shoot /what styles you take. And in between look at others work to get inspiration.  Find styles/looks and replicate them. Not saying flat out copy them, but work on achieving looks you have…. then make them yours!

For example, and I’m not saying these are awesome, but they are mine.  I do a series that I call my “portrait montages” which started when seeing some cool stuff others were doing merging multiple exposures.  First, I copied their work (which I kept to myself) until I felt I learned what I could technique wise.. then I went to step 2 which was “how can I make it MINE?” which is a way to say make it different. I then expanded on the images to start showing more and more of the background..  Now I have something (however good or bad) that I feel is distinctly mine.  Now I’m finding ways of evolving it so as to not get stale/stagnant.  here’s the linky: http://www.alborrelli.com/portfolio/portrait-montages

I really think people start worrying too much about when/where/how much they should charge.  I think people need to be more worried about whether the quality of their work stands out and whether or not they can duplicate that quality every.single.time. That’s crucial.  Having a portfolio with a few shots you got shit lucky with doesn’t mean crap unless you can consistently replicate that quality.  That’s what you need to aim for!

I am by no means saying don’t charge, everyone needs to start somewhere.  But make sure that if you’re “being a pro” you can produce like a pro. Every single time. If you can’t rely on getting quality every time, you need to shoot more.

Anyway..that’s my two eurocents.. I’ll check out your work asap and see if I need to tailor my comments! 😉
EDIT: Please please please get somewhere else to show your work. FB is a great platform to direct clients/traffic to your real site/portfolio.. not your sole portfolio!