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reality check


Might I make a suggestion?  You get paid for events, product photography, and I see senior portraits, head shots etc are listed on your Facebook Business page.  Yet, there are only a handful of samples of any of these genres provided.  That’s very confusing.  the way you have explained it, learning how to shoot good erotic photographs of women is your personal goal/project.  Why not explain in your mm bio that this is what you are working on?  Clean up your portfolio there showcasing only the best of what you have shot in this genre, and let your business page be about business, so future clients get a better idea of what you can provide them.  Better yet, create a dedicated site for business as well.  Trust me when I say, if you ever reach your goal, you won’t want the photos you have currently attached to your name or your professional work.  By separating personal from your business you will come off as more professional and most of those red flags we have (and potential clients have) while viewing your photography will be cleared up.  Keep your personal project personal, And between you and your model. I personally never publicly post my personal projects/lessons/experiments unless it is warranted And pertains to my work. I’m afraid you may be closing a lot of doors to paid work as things stand, and you won’t get the respect or the proper attention you are seeking If you don’t make some changes.  If you don’t want to be a GWC, then stop behaving as one.