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No, IHF, that’s not what I was getting at. The clean edits I often use some actions on. The additional edits, where I maybe did something in black and white, added a hazy tone or a vintage tone, etc. are extras and I offer both to the client. The extras are extremely popular, possibly just trendy, but I make money on them too.

This clean edit had some actions applied in small doses. In addition to that, other workflow basic editing such as skin smoothing, exposure correction, color/white balance adjustments, blemish removal, teeth whitening, etc. were done.

Forgive me, if I shot a slightly underexposed photo! Gasp! Shooting in RAW allows me to easily correct it in post too.

Using and tweaking an action is not as much work as it may sound. Most of them allow for quicker editing, actually. You should really try it before you knock it. A few of the popular action companies offer some free downloads.