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I’m only amateur but, lens-wise, I have a few prime lenses, 24, 35, 50, 60, 85  but for me my favourite for newborns/families is my 28 -70 f/2.8  zoom- the slightly poorer cousin of the 24-70.  It’s still a really great lens and though I like primes, for family/kid portraits it’s nice to have the flexibility and instantaneity of varied focal lengths, especially for faster moving toddlers!  I also use my 60mm micro for any close ups of little hands and feet for newborns, though this is a great lens too and I mainly use it for straight up portraits, if I’m not using my zoom – it is very sharp though so can show a bit too much – especially on female subjects – who don’t necessarily want to see every pore!

If you are only just starting and don’t have much budget though, the 50 f/1.4 of even the even cheaper f1.8 is a a good place to start.