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C.C. is correct, a light from behind would add separation from the background and depth.  A bit more fill light in the front, or a bounce card to balance out the deep shadows.  If you like the shadows, so be it, but you need to kick some light into the kids eyes… also make sure they don’t slam their eyes all the way to the corners, keep a bit of white on both side of the pupils that way it doesn’t look like a huge gaping hole.  These are suggestions for any photographer, kid or portrait, so it doesn’t just apply to you, it’s a very often made error.

Also, help me out if I’m wrong here, but there is something going on with your focus/sharpness.  This is way too wonky to me… did you try to blur the face?  It looks like the eyes are sharp as is the shirt, but the plane in between seems soft and muddy?  Was your original file correctly exposed?  I’m sorry, it just feels weird to me?  Before anyone says it’s your ISO, I don’t think so, there is something else going on here..???  The light is a shade hot on the left cheek…

I’m not sure if this helps, and overall I’m not slamming your work, these are just some questions and observations…