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Sorry I’m back, it’s just I’m excited you are here and I have this opertunity  to talk to you.  This is SO how fauxtography is born, and if I can have some sort of part in stopping it, it will seriously make my day, week, year, decade…..

How to encourage her:  validate what she is doing.  help her finish her work and turn her images into photographs.  By finishing her photos she will learn so very much.  Printing and finishing will change the way she shoots, crops, (both in camera and PP), the way she edits! The way she thinks….Its a HUGE part of learning to photograph, that literally thousands skip right over. Mostly because, it costs, and our families are already thinking we are wasting our time and money by not making money.  Not only will she learn from it, it will inspire and encourage her.  There is nothing in this world like holding your photograph in your hands or displaying a finished work.  Help her work on a physical portfolio.  This is something she can flip though, watch change and improve over time.  Finishing will make her think about every shot more, it will make her think about her photography in a new way.  Finishing can be really expensive to get done correctly.  Calibration and shopping for a printer/finisher can be a long dismal process as well.  Help fund this endevor, instead of telling her she needs to start charging, and she will LOVE you for it.