Daily Rewind: Tree Girl

We lost our archives, but didn’t want to leave this behind.

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  1. Wow that is awful.

  2. That`s BAD!!!!

  3. Not only does it feel washed out with the b/w and her fair skin, but it looks so fake without photoshopped shadows. I could make it better, yet it’d still be a bad photo overall at least it’d be convincing.

  4. This is sooo creepy!

  5. Christie Mathis


  6. Wendy Kennedy

    Well it made me chuckle

  7. oh no.

  8. Obviously an homage to Troll 2….

  9. I’m stumped…

  10. Gotta love the comment underneath! “That is awesome!” NO IT’S NOT!!!!

  11. why is that child in a tree?

  12. this is awesome!!! haha

  13. I think of Smeagle when I see this.

  14. Jesus Murphy, that’s disturbing.

  15. So creepy…

  16. Another Steve

    Where’s Tom Bombadil when you need him?

  17. Deadly arccaute answer. You’ve hit the bullseye!

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