I looked at your site because I was interested in the photos.
I like them (I’m not a pro, so I don’t know what that’s worth), but…you really need to proof your site. It was really hard for me to read it with the many typographical errors.
Sorry, I know it’s a patent jerk move to point out grammar/spelling/typographical errors, but it would really make a big difference.
lol there are always blind enablers for fauxtogs – I told a girl on Facebook she should really stop charging people until she actually learned how to use her camera and had about 15 people (her friends and family) jump down my throat and tell me I clearly have no idea what a good picture is (many of her pictures had the people not centred, their eyes were closed, they were blurry, sooooo much selective colour BLAH) Then she posted a ‘pity party’ comment about how she tries so hard and is really working on getting better and blah blah blah and all of those people stroked her ego and told her how amazing she is and how they would never go to some ‘overpriced’ photographer LOL idiots
Can one really master selective color? And if so should they? The answer is yes. That is, if you want all your pictures to look 15 years out of style. Next up super saturation!
Oh man, a friend of mine oversaturates so badly that some of the people in her pictures look like Oompa Loompas. And she wants to start charging. It horrifies me.
First off, selective color is soooo overused. I made the decision a while back to stop doing it. Granted, it’s a good thing to know how to do since the technique applies to many other things you can do in PS but this photo suffers from so much more than her lack of PS knowledge. Let’s start with the horrible lighting, the fact that you can see the top of the backdrop. I think what frustrates me the most, as it does with so many of these fauxtogs is how they just start charging people before they have a clue how to do anything. I’ve been using PS since 1993 and doing SLR photography since 94. It wasn’t until 2008 that I really thought about charging people. Even then, I had a lot to learn, but I knew what I was doing with my equipment. I also understood that there’s an investment you need to make beyond the camera itself. There’s lenses, lights, hardware, software, etc… as well as the time to learn to use it. Prove to me you can take a good photo consistently, do things purposefully, have a shot in mind and know what you have to do to capture it; don’t just guess and hope you get something good. That to me is what makes the difference between a professional and an amateur. I know I’m not saying anything new here but something about her conversation about needing to “learn” PS set me off. Like you can just sit down for an hour and “figure” it out.
Like I said, I know I’ve been guilty of making fauxtog mistakes and if you go to my FB page, I can guarantee there’s some spot color there. But I finally had to put my foot down, stop using it and focus on making good images that require very minimal PS work.
The photos on the website are admittedly old. It’s a lot of work to update stuff on there so I mainly put new stuff on my FB page.
I know this is not a popular opinion here but I do think selective color can be done right; sparingly and with the right image of course. I think the image with the fire is a good example of that (unlike a random blue tie).
Again, if you go through my photos, there will be some spot color, most of which I feel is well done, however, I think it’s a fad that’s run it’s course.
With all of the resources online, it is easier to gain knowledge in things in a shorter amount of time. But that also means that there is an influx of amateurs who do not break rules effectively. I don’t know if they are aware of their mistakes or if they just do not want to put in the effort to improve. For example, I offered to help someone with
Photoshop, but they said they hated Adobe because it’s not “user friendly”.
I don’t think years of experience is as important as people like to point out it is. There was a photographer featured on this website who boasted over 20 years of experience and studio. His pictures did not look professional! I have friend who has a business and is still a teen –some of her pictures look magazine worthy, and I like to think I have a good eye. And I’m 16 and started using a dslr this year. I like to think that I’m making up for lost time though. If people ask and offer to pay me, and I can get paid to babysit, then I think my valuable time spent taking and editing pictures should be compensated. Early out, I used selective-coloring on a couple of photos. I think it can be used effectively in SOME pictures. It is overused, so I don’t put in the effort unless a person requests it and it’s not a bad idea like with a baby and an inanimate object. (btw, I wouldn’t have a baby session bc of insurance/liabilities and overall work –cloning out assisting hands..)
I don’t charge a ridiculous amount imo; not even minimum wage for all the hours spent working on a session. Same thing with photography can be applied to acting…someone might have worked for years and been okay, new person could be great…often times lacks still, or a seasoned actor has only gotten great with time. Talent, and how quickly you learn and what you know! I know I still have a lot to learn and am not a professional, but that’s what counts in my humble opinion.
I am not saying the OP or anyone in these comments aren’t good photographers. I haven’t even seen their pictures. But there have been people on this website that have criticized “fauxtogs” and some of their photos were not good at all! I enjoy this site immensely, but I think we should encourage and help those who really do want to learn.
Also, if you have a camera, you are a photographer. Maybe not a professional. If you’re acting in a play or production, you are an actor. If you don’t do it full time as your only job, then you’re not a professional. You don’t have to go to acting school to be a professional actor or musician, just like you don’t have to major in photography. I think this is a common misconception. To start charging people, you have to be good, and/or have the right business strategy. When people start charging too early, your work is less credible. But if you get better and spend hours of work never asking for any compensation, you’ll just be a starving artist letting people take advantage of your art. Also, you won’t learn about business. If someone wants your work, they’re paying you for your time. They don’t have to come to you, and if you’re not confident is asking for money, don’t put your work out there and advertise.
Before you start charging people you should really research how to legally run a business. At 16 you can’t. If you are charging people you should have insurance and pay taxes, at minimum. If you are not paying taxes, that is illegal. If a client gets hurt and sues, they can come after your parents. Take pictures of your friends for free, learn have fun. But before you open for business, learn the legalities behind it.
I think its perfectly reasonable to work things out. I am ultimately a self taught photographer (Although I did do training in advertising and graphic design). I started shooting with a SLR as a teenager and pretty much worked out Photoshop for myself and following tutorials from other professionals. I think it’s fine if you’re self taught but I think it’s important that you get as much feedback as possible in the early days from those you trust already in the industry. I think for people starting out, it’s worth looking through books and photography magazines for inspiration. In the instance of this photographer, I can see where they were heading and with some further practice and training they will probably get there. In the meantime, perhaps they shouldn’t be charging for their services.
There is quite the shadow on the useless podium (did it even need to be in the picture?) He needs to turn his body where there is a little more of him in the photo also. I am not a photographer, so what do I know? Maybe since it is her brother she is not charging and he is not paying….
I do photography as a serious hobby, but wildly prefer nature over people pictures. (flowers don’t talk!) I have shown my work at a few local galleries and festivals, sold a fair amount of pictures; but I’m not totally dedicated. I have done portrait sessions for a few friends and a few family members. I have never charged anyone for a portrait session because I am not a professional with a portfolio, nor have I been to school for my serious hobby. If I do go to school for photography someday, then maybe I’d feel comfortable in offering my services for payment. But like we’ve all said, just because I have a nice camera, doesn’t mean I should start charging people for portrait photography.
“Brother picked the colors”. See, I TOLD you a lot of these crap pics are a result of “customer demands”. On the other hand, Id like to find this chicks Page. If thats her in the avatar shes *very* appealing. Heh.
First of all, ewww. Secondly, yes, I’m sure it’s the color scheme here that making this a trainwreck. I’m glad you are letting all of the fauxtogs out there know that if they stop letting their clients call the shot, then they will be A-mazing!
So she wants to master PS and selective colouring before she posts her work…. Maybe she should take this approach with photography in general. If you want to get better, you need to grow some thick skin and get your work critiqued by people who know what they’re talking about, not Aunt Suzy on facebook.
Selective coloring can be good if done right…
Problem is that about 9.9/10…it’s never done right.
My friends keep telling me to charge people, but the difference between me and fauxtogs is that I truly believe I am lacking in experience, knowledge, and equipment. That’s why I’m taking classes on the subject and practicing. I always have people ask me on how I can tell what’s pro or not. I explain that pros have certain qualities that normal snapshots don’t. You can own an SLR, but the pic tells me more about who is taking the picture.
So yeah, hopefully this one learns that she needs some work.
My absolute favourites are the morons that go ‘Oh i’m not a professional, i’m just learning, i’m an amateur!” on their FB PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS PAGE?!?!?!?! Why have a frigging photography page if you keep telling people you aren’t a professional!?!?!
I doubt all of these ???-Photography pages are “business” pages. I have a blog with photos I’ve taken with the word “Photography” in the title…but I’m not in business. It’s just my photography site for friends and other hobbyists to look through. I suspect other people have done the same…though I cannot imagine why they would use Facebook. It’s a lousy site for showing off photos.
I always pray that the people who create photography sites like this are just doing it to squat the name or because they thought it’d be cute to post their personal photos as if they were a real “artiste.” Of course, I’m probably wrong.
Why do people seem to have no sense of their own abilities? Is it a society that tells us that we’re all much better than we think we are and we just need to “believe in ourself”? Is it the ego in denial that all our hard work might not actually be paying off? Are these folks just so married to the lie that they can’t break free?
I have been known to watch American Idol, and of course, its best feature is watching people who think they’re brilliant talents make arses of themselves on TV. Some of them, like William Hung or Reynaldo, have a real charm and probably know they’re not brilliant–they just love doing it. I respect that. Others issue death threats to the judges for daring to reject them after they’ve butchered a song so badly that the entire fabric of space-time was torn asunder. How do these people not know? Or are they so committed to the dream that they will pursue it in the face of wholly contrasting evidence?
In this woman’s case–and the case of all faux–her lack of skill isn’t the issue. Heck, it never is. Everyone is bleah at something at first and often for a long while. One gets better by keeping at it. That is The Way ™. And if this were her personal site, showing pictures she’s taken in her experiments, to her friends, I’d say it should be taken off YANAP. But she’s listing herself as a faux here–she’s presumably offering services. She’s not mastered basic photography techniques. Her lamentations about PS are like a chef worrying that their attempt to carve an attractive garnish out of fruit haven’t gone well while the meal itself is burning to a charred crisp. Like cooking, first learn how to boil water. Carving swans out of melons comes much later, if at all. And if your cooking is good–in taste and presentation–all those fun PS “tricks” will be unnecessary.
I do agree with all the concepts you’ve presented
in your post. They’re really convincing and can certainly
work. Still, the posts are very quick for starters.
May you please prolong them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.
1980’s Miami pimp?
And yeah, selective color is super “high tech” that requires “giving it your all” – at least kudos for trying to figure it out before posting it.
Harry Potter
He who must not be… photographed?
I’d rather my friends tell me when things I do SUCK… Everyone needs more friends who do that, especially pho/faux tographers.
Especially friends who don’t know how to spell throw, OMG!
Gal with a Camera
Awful photo.
Her idiot friend’s advice and ‘humble’ comments make it even worse.
Kimmy B.
Shave his eyebrows and title it “Powder.”
Victoria–Washington Boudoir Photographer
I looked at your site because I was interested in the photos.
I like them (I’m not a pro, so I don’t know what that’s worth), but…you really need to proof your site. It was really hard for me to read it with the many typographical errors.
Sorry, I know it’s a patent jerk move to point out grammar/spelling/typographical errors, but it would really make a big difference.
Correction: Not the whole site, specifically the blog posts. (The link sends you to the one from 5/27)
lol there are always blind enablers for fauxtogs – I told a girl on Facebook she should really stop charging people until she actually learned how to use her camera and had about 15 people (her friends and family) jump down my throat and tell me I clearly have no idea what a good picture is (many of her pictures had the people not centred, their eyes were closed, they were blurry, sooooo much selective colour BLAH) Then she posted a ‘pity party’ comment about how she tries so hard and is really working on getting better and blah blah blah and all of those people stroked her ego and told her how amazing she is and how they would never go to some ‘overpriced’ photographer LOL idiots
Yeah, I’m with you. I’m amazed at how much support a lot of fauxtogs get. It saddens me.
Its called “nut swinging” even if the faux in question doesnt have any.
John Martin
So true!
People not being centered is actually using the rule of thirds. But I’ve never seen the pictures, and I’m not a pro, so I know I can’t judge!
John Martin
Can one really master selective color? And if so should they? The answer is yes. That is, if you want all your pictures to look 15 years out of style. Next up super saturation!
Oh man, a friend of mine oversaturates so badly that some of the people in her pictures look like Oompa Loompas. And she wants to start charging. It horrifies me.
First off, selective color is soooo overused. I made the decision a while back to stop doing it. Granted, it’s a good thing to know how to do since the technique applies to many other things you can do in PS but this photo suffers from so much more than her lack of PS knowledge. Let’s start with the horrible lighting, the fact that you can see the top of the backdrop. I think what frustrates me the most, as it does with so many of these fauxtogs is how they just start charging people before they have a clue how to do anything. I’ve been using PS since 1993 and doing SLR photography since 94. It wasn’t until 2008 that I really thought about charging people. Even then, I had a lot to learn, but I knew what I was doing with my equipment. I also understood that there’s an investment you need to make beyond the camera itself. There’s lenses, lights, hardware, software, etc… as well as the time to learn to use it. Prove to me you can take a good photo consistently, do things purposefully, have a shot in mind and know what you have to do to capture it; don’t just guess and hope you get something good. That to me is what makes the difference between a professional and an amateur. I know I’m not saying anything new here but something about her conversation about needing to “learn” PS set me off. Like you can just sit down for an hour and “figure” it out.
Well said, Gordon.
Gordon – You use selective color on one of the 5 or so photos on the home page of your web site!
And? He said it was over used not that he never used it. If all five photos were SC then you may have an argument here…but they are not.
Like I said, I know I’ve been guilty of making fauxtog mistakes and if you go to my FB page, I can guarantee there’s some spot color there. But I finally had to put my foot down, stop using it and focus on making good images that require very minimal PS work.
The photos on the website are admittedly old. It’s a lot of work to update stuff on there so I mainly put new stuff on my FB page.
I know this is not a popular opinion here but I do think selective color can be done right; sparingly and with the right image of course. I think the image with the fire is a good example of that (unlike a random blue tie).
Again, if you go through my photos, there will be some spot color, most of which I feel is well done, however, I think it’s a fad that’s run it’s course.
With all of the resources online, it is easier to gain knowledge in things in a shorter amount of time. But that also means that there is an influx of amateurs who do not break rules effectively. I don’t know if they are aware of their mistakes or if they just do not want to put in the effort to improve. For example, I offered to help someone with
Photoshop, but they said they hated Adobe because it’s not “user friendly”.
I don’t think years of experience is as important as people like to point out it is. There was a photographer featured on this website who boasted over 20 years of experience and studio. His pictures did not look professional! I have friend who has a business and is still a teen –some of her pictures look magazine worthy, and I like to think I have a good eye. And I’m 16 and started using a dslr this year. I like to think that I’m making up for lost time though. If people ask and offer to pay me, and I can get paid to babysit, then I think my valuable time spent taking and editing pictures should be compensated. Early out, I used selective-coloring on a couple of photos. I think it can be used effectively in SOME pictures. It is overused, so I don’t put in the effort unless a person requests it and it’s not a bad idea like with a baby and an inanimate object. (btw, I wouldn’t have a baby session bc of insurance/liabilities and overall work –cloning out assisting hands..)
I don’t charge a ridiculous amount imo; not even minimum wage for all the hours spent working on a session. Same thing with photography can be applied to acting…someone might have worked for years and been okay, new person could be great…often times lacks still, or a seasoned actor has only gotten great with time. Talent, and how quickly you learn and what you know! I know I still have a lot to learn and am not a professional, but that’s what counts in my humble opinion.
I am not saying the OP or anyone in these comments aren’t good photographers. I haven’t even seen their pictures. But there have been people on this website that have criticized “fauxtogs” and some of their photos were not good at all! I enjoy this site immensely, but I think we should encourage and help those who really do want to learn.
Also, if you have a camera, you are a photographer. Maybe not a professional. If you’re acting in a play or production, you are an actor. If you don’t do it full time as your only job, then you’re not a professional. You don’t have to go to acting school to be a professional actor or musician, just like you don’t have to major in photography. I think this is a common misconception. To start charging people, you have to be good, and/or have the right business strategy. When people start charging too early, your work is less credible. But if you get better and spend hours of work never asking for any compensation, you’ll just be a starving artist letting people take advantage of your art. Also, you won’t learn about business. If someone wants your work, they’re paying you for your time. They don’t have to come to you, and if you’re not confident is asking for money, don’t put your work out there and advertise.
Before you start charging people you should really research how to legally run a business. At 16 you can’t. If you are charging people you should have insurance and pay taxes, at minimum. If you are not paying taxes, that is illegal. If a client gets hurt and sues, they can come after your parents. Take pictures of your friends for free, learn have fun. But before you open for business, learn the legalities behind it.
I think its perfectly reasonable to work things out. I am ultimately a self taught photographer (Although I did do training in advertising and graphic design). I started shooting with a SLR as a teenager and pretty much worked out Photoshop for myself and following tutorials from other professionals. I think it’s fine if you’re self taught but I think it’s important that you get as much feedback as possible in the early days from those you trust already in the industry. I think for people starting out, it’s worth looking through books and photography magazines for inspiration. In the instance of this photographer, I can see where they were heading and with some further practice and training they will probably get there. In the meantime, perhaps they shouldn’t be charging for their services.
I’m self-taught, but I observe as much as I can from other photographers and learn from experience.
Maybe she should learn everything before posting crap like this lol
Maybe she should learn anything before everything?
Don’t forget the wall in the top right corner totally makes it even more perfect :/
Uncle festers son !
There is quite the shadow on the useless podium (did it even need to be in the picture?) He needs to turn his body where there is a little more of him in the photo also. I am not a photographer, so what do I know? Maybe since it is her brother she is not charging and he is not paying….
Wow… did she shoot this through a milk jug?
I do photography as a serious hobby, but wildly prefer nature over people pictures. (flowers don’t talk!) I have shown my work at a few local galleries and festivals, sold a fair amount of pictures; but I’m not totally dedicated. I have done portrait sessions for a few friends and a few family members. I have never charged anyone for a portrait session because I am not a professional with a portfolio, nor have I been to school for my serious hobby. If I do go to school for photography someday, then maybe I’d feel comfortable in offering my services for payment. But like we’ve all said, just because I have a nice camera, doesn’t mean I should start charging people for portrait photography.
hey Gordon – your photos suck – hope this helps
finally, someone speaks the truth!!
“Brother picked the colors”. See, I TOLD you a lot of these crap pics are a result of “customer demands”. On the other hand, Id like to find this chicks Page. If thats her in the avatar shes *very* appealing. Heh.
First of all, ewww. Secondly, yes, I’m sure it’s the color scheme here that making this a trainwreck. I’m glad you are letting all of the fauxtogs out there know that if they stop letting their clients call the shot, then they will be A-mazing!
Dont know if they will be or not but it cant be denied that a lot of the “fauxamples” posted on here are indeed a result of customer demands.
Capt. Obvious
So she wants to master PS and selective colouring before she posts her work…. Maybe she should take this approach with photography in general. If you want to get better, you need to grow some thick skin and get your work critiqued by people who know what they’re talking about, not Aunt Suzy on facebook.
Selective coloring can be good if done right…
Problem is that about 9.9/10…it’s never done right.
My friends keep telling me to charge people, but the difference between me and fauxtogs is that I truly believe I am lacking in experience, knowledge, and equipment. That’s why I’m taking classes on the subject and practicing. I always have people ask me on how I can tell what’s pro or not. I explain that pros have certain qualities that normal snapshots don’t. You can own an SLR, but the pic tells me more about who is taking the picture.
So yeah, hopefully this one learns that she needs some work.
maybe instead of selective color she was giving high key a try?
My absolute favourites are the morons that go ‘Oh i’m not a professional, i’m just learning, i’m an amateur!” on their FB PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS PAGE?!?!?!?! Why have a frigging photography page if you keep telling people you aren’t a professional!?!?!
Gal with a camera
IKR!! My thoughts exactly. :-/
I doubt all of these ???-Photography pages are “business” pages. I have a blog with photos I’ve taken with the word “Photography” in the title…but I’m not in business. It’s just my photography site for friends and other hobbyists to look through. I suspect other people have done the same…though I cannot imagine why they would use Facebook. It’s a lousy site for showing off photos.
I always pray that the people who create photography sites like this are just doing it to squat the name or because they thought it’d be cute to post their personal photos as if they were a real “artiste.” Of course, I’m probably wrong.
Why do people seem to have no sense of their own abilities? Is it a society that tells us that we’re all much better than we think we are and we just need to “believe in ourself”? Is it the ego in denial that all our hard work might not actually be paying off? Are these folks just so married to the lie that they can’t break free?
I have been known to watch American Idol, and of course, its best feature is watching people who think they’re brilliant talents make arses of themselves on TV. Some of them, like William Hung or Reynaldo, have a real charm and probably know they’re not brilliant–they just love doing it. I respect that. Others issue death threats to the judges for daring to reject them after they’ve butchered a song so badly that the entire fabric of space-time was torn asunder. How do these people not know? Or are they so committed to the dream that they will pursue it in the face of wholly contrasting evidence?
In this woman’s case–and the case of all faux–her lack of skill isn’t the issue. Heck, it never is. Everyone is bleah at something at first and often for a long while. One gets better by keeping at it. That is The Way ™. And if this were her personal site, showing pictures she’s taken in her experiments, to her friends, I’d say it should be taken off YANAP. But she’s listing herself as a faux here–she’s presumably offering services. She’s not mastered basic photography techniques. Her lamentations about PS are like a chef worrying that their attempt to carve an attractive garnish out of fruit haven’t gone well while the meal itself is burning to a charred crisp. Like cooking, first learn how to boil water. Carving swans out of melons comes much later, if at all. And if your cooking is good–in taste and presentation–all those fun PS “tricks” will be unnecessary.
I do agree with all the concepts you’ve presented
in your post. They’re really convincing and can certainly
work. Still, the posts are very quick for starters.
May you please prolong them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.