Interesting. All that effort and you managed to put a line through her nose and spoil it all. I can only guess that this is supposed to be an inorganic to organic transition though I can’t figure out what the artist is trying to convey. Oh, an you forgot to eliminate the reflections of all the people on the street when you too the photo of the car. Oh, those pesky bumpers.
Interesting. All that effort and you managed to put a line through her nose and spoil it all. I can only guess that this is supposed to be an inorganic to organic transition though I can’t figure out what the artist is trying to convey. Oh, an you forgot to eliminate the reflections of all the people on the street when you too the photo of the car. Oh, those pesky bumpers.
I really like this but I think I’m not supposed to. I’m confused. I’ve just joined. Help me out.
The best are in the bumper !
You’re built like a car, you’ve got a hub cap diamond star halo, you’re built like a car oh yeah