
closed eyes

Yea, who cares if your subject has her eyes open? You got the baby bump in there and that’s all that matters!

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  1. Plus a gold star for clever use of unlikely prop!
    (Unless I’m the only one that does NOT have a mirror outside)

  2. Michael

    And a really big watermark to keep people from stealing

  3. Right Said Fred

    Are you sure that’s a baby bump…?

  4. See no evidence of a baby bump, just a well rounded lady with a poorly positioned and somewhat pointless mirror.

  5. I’m with the others….I’m really not convinced that’s a baby bump

  6. A mirror? Really? And a blanket or some such piece of cloth half sat on? Really? And apparently scary eyes so keep them closed? Bump or not, this definitely rates as worthy of the dung heap. Another example of “go back and try it again” for sure.

  7. What baby bump?

    She’s just fat.

    Nothing wrong with that, her body her health…but she’s fat.

  8. What baby bump?

    She’s just fat.

    Nothing wrong with that, her body her health…but she’s fat.

  9. And the mirror makes her look even fatter, just what we women want.

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