Baby Baby Bump Collection #2

stair creeper

Is that guy supposed to be in the photo?

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  1. cameraclicker

    She probably is SO uncomfortable, and wishing it would all be over soon.

  2. Zed68

    That’s no moon. It’s a space station!

  3. tami k

    I’ve never seen one of these ultrasound/photo melds look any good, and this one is particularly horrid. It’s creepy creepy creepy

    • tami k

      oh oops my bad – this comment was to be on the horrible last photo.

      For this horrible photo I wanted to say that it was horrible. Really you couldn’t find a nicer angle for mom’s face? You couldn’t get some nicer soft lighting? Maybe background? Maybe not that horrible treatment you did to make a bad photo look worse?

      Hope this mom got a few “nice ” photos to remember this time by. Can’t say that I am at all partial to 99% of pregnancy pics, even if they are well done.

  4. Grackle

    Ugh, these are all so tacky and awful!

  5. I truly wish people would stop getting photos like this taken. Rarely are they any good. Even when they’re decent, it’s such a ridiculous concept that has been done to death.

  6. I don’t thing she enjoyed this.

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