Category: “Creative” Editing Page 3 of 62

Facial Vortex

Another great example of just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD!

Hands on Bump

This one obviously needed a bigger watermark, you can still make out the bump!

Watermark Mouth

We’d cry if we were covered in that many watermarks too!

Blue Butt

Selective butt coloring, that’s a new low!


Okay, we get that she’s supposed to be the “bait” but what is this guy trying to catch!?

Big Hands, Little Couple

Come on Fauxtog! It’s their 30th wedding anniversary! Don’t stop at only three poorly blended photos, you might as well get a whole 30 of them in there!


At least she was kind of smiling when her head was removed from her body!

Fake Face Bride

Hire this Fauxtog… because don’t we all just want to look like plastic airheads on our Wedding day?

Oven Ladies

… We don’t really get it…