April 2012 Page 3 of 8

Fauxtog Studio

A rare glimpse into a true Fauxtog’s “pro studio”… What a treat!

You Are Not A Graphic Designer

Announcing the launch of our sister site, You Are Not A Graphic Designer! Finally you can check out some of the amazingly awful graphic design work you’ve been…

“Super Mom” Saves Baby

It’s turning out to be quite the debate! Is the mother at fault for leaving the baby unsupervised on the block, or was she simply putting her trust…

Classically Bad

It’s nice (well, not nice) to see pictures like this still popping up from time to time. It’s not overly ridiculous, selectively colored, hilarious or even inappropriate. It’s…

Et Tu, Walmart?

Oh great…

Cut Out Couple

When you don’t have a nice backdrop to work with you can always just cut your subjects out and not use any background at all!

Baby In A Cooler

We’re thinking there hasĀ  to be a story behind the cooler prop, but whatever it may be, it really doesn’t make up for the fact that they took…

Eye Spy More Bad Spot Coloring

Did you apply your spot color while on the back of a motorcycle? It’s a little messy, you may want to hit the ladies room to touch it…

So Neat…

No fauxtog it’s not neat, it’s spooky!